A Little Bit of Beijing · Dashilar by DAS Released

After one year of planning and creation, A Little Bit of Beijing • Dashilar was published in September 2015. It is the latest publication by the authors Li Han and Hu Yan after their award-winning title A Little Bit of Beijing (awarded as China's Most Beautiful Book in 2013). It is also a collaborative urban research project conceived by Drawing Architecture Studio and Dashilar Project. Please click here for more images of the book.

Parallel Worlds • Creation & Derivation of Architectural Drawing by DAS

Organized by China Architectural Design Institute, the exhibition of Parallel Worlds • Creation & Derivation of Architectural Drawing by Drawing Architecture Studio was held at China Architectural Design Institute from July 20 to August 31. The exhibtion presented city-themed works from DAS in the recent years, including axonometric panorama, illustration, graphic novel, models, and publication. Please click here to see more information.

TRIVOC PATISSERIES & CAFE Designed by DAS Opens in Taipei

Designed by DAS for its branding, interiors, and products, TRIVOC PATISSERIES & CAFE was opened in Taipei in March 2015. Please click here to see more information.

The Buildings We Used to Live in by DAS at PROJECT POP-UP STORE

DAS exhibits a new piece The Buildings We Used to Live in at PROJECT POP-UP STORE at Beijing Yintai Center from January 13 to Feburary 3, 2005. Please click here to see more information.