Suddenly This View Exhibited at Pingshan Art Museum

Suddenly This View is a model and photography project created by DAS for the urban initiative "Hometown Spring" launched by Sanlian City For Humanity and curator Cui Cancan, being exhibited at Pingshan Art Museum from January 7, 2023. Click here for more images.

Restaurant Inside The Wall Exhibited at Beijing Biennial

Restaurant Inside The Wall is a site-specific installation created byDAS for 2022 Beijing Biennial - Blueprint Beijing, which was held at M Woods Hutong from January 13 to March 12, 2023. Click here for more images.

The Grand Stage Exhibited at Art Field Nanhai Guangdong

The Grand Stage is a site-specific installation created by DAS for Art Field Nanhai Guangdong, an art festival held from November 18, 2022 to February 18,2023 in the suburb of Foshan, Guangdong Province of China. Click here for more images.

Still Life in the Windy City Acquired by The Art Institute of Chicago

Created by DAS for the 4th Chicago Architecture Biennial, the scroll drawing Still Life in the Windy City has been acquired by The Art Institute of Chicago for its Architecture and Design collection.Click here for more information about this project.