DAS x Syracuse Architecture - Copied In Beijing VC Studio

Invited by Syracuse University School of Architecture, Li Han and Hu Yan led a Visiting Critics Studio in Beijing titled Copied In Beijing from Feb.9 to May 9, 2021. 16 participating third-year undergraduate students together created a panorama and a series of models titled The Complete Map of Capital Beijing, based on the original map of the same name from the Qing Dynasty.

Hutong Mushroom and Apartment Blossom Exhibited in Eureka! Touring Library

Co-authored by Li Han and Jin Qiuye, Hutong Mushroom and Apartment Blossom were exhibitied at Eureka! Touring Library organized by JUANZONG Book in Nantou City, Shenzhen from April 30 to May 30. Some models included in the books were also presented at the exhibition. Click here for more images.

DAS Created Mural Chongqing Jungle for ECOOL

With the unique urban landscape of Chongqing as the theme, DAS created a large mural Chongqing Jungle for ECOOL Creative Park. Click here for more images.

DAS Designed the Office of Di-Matrix

DAS created new design for Di-Matrix office in Shanghai. Click here for more information.